How to Diagnose Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance in a Child?
Gluten intolerance is an autoimmune disease in which the body reacts abnormally to gluten. Gluten is the protein in wheat and is what allows bread to stretch and rise when it is baked. It can also be found in other products such as pizza, pasta, cereal, and crackers. When a person has gluten intolerance, their body thinks that gluten is a foreign invader, similar to a virus or bacteria, and tries to fight it. This causes irritation along the lining of the intestines.
Celiac disease is a severe form of gluten intolerance. The intestines can become so irritated that it ceases to function normally. Patients with celiac or gluten intolerance can suffer a variety of symptoms that are sometimes very vague. Children may present with abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, gas, vitamin deficiencies, dental issues or poor growth. Small children can sometimes present with irritability or strange changes in behavior. Patients with celiac disease occasionally have skin manifestations as well.
In most cases, celiac disease and gluten intolerance can be diagnosed with simple blood tests. In rare instances, genetic testing may help exclude celiac disease. However, many times – when blood tests are inconclusive – a simple upper endoscopy is preformed. It is very important that patients who suspect they may have celiac disease or gluten intolerance see a physician before they start a gluten-free diet. Blood testing can only be performed on individuals that have consumed gluten for the previous two weeks.
Although the long-term consequences can be severe and include an increased risk for intestinal lymphoma – the treatment is quite simple. A gluten-free diet is a cure for celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Nevertheless, celiac is a life long diagnosis and for this reason an accurate diagnosis is mandatory.
The link below describes diagnosis of celiac disease in greater detail. Click here for further guidance to gluten-free dietand our own gluten-free cookbook.

Can my child have gluten sensitibity without having Celiac disease?
In short, yes – non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) means your child may have trouble with gluten, even though they don’t have celiac disease or a wheat allergy. The good news? Unlike celiac disease, NCGS doesn’t cause long-term damage to the gut—it’s all about finding what makes your child feel their best. The best way to figure it out is by eliminating gluten for a few weeks and seeing if symptoms improve, then reintroducing it to check for a reaction. If your child feels better without gluten and symptoms return when it’s added back, NCGS could be the culprit!